Top Kids' Birthday Party Questions Answered

Three Boys At Birthday Party

What time should I have the party?
The best time for the party also will depend on the guests' ages. For babies and toddlers, consider naptimes. Scheduling the party so that it ends by noon is probably a good idea. For slightly older children, parties can begin by 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. and end at 3 p.m. or 4 p.m.

How long should the party last?
An hour for kids under age five, and an hour-and-a-half to two hours for older kids should be perfect. State a pick-up time on the invitation, so parents know exactly when to get their young partygoers.

Is there a guideline to choosing party decorations?
Just make everything colorful—Use your child's favorite color and carry a one-, two-, three-, or multi-color scheme through with balloons, plates, napkins, serving bowls, tablecloth, and goodie bags.

more great ideas

Decorations will also reflect the theme your child chooses. Once you and your child have decided on a theme, the easiest choice is to buy a complete party ware kit. If your child is into, say, pirates, dolls, Disney princess, Hannah Montana, or any sport, there will be an all-in-one package to suit his or her birthday party fantasy. Check out this extensive assortment of party decorations and themed party packs.